To locate your Keybinds menu: press ESC > Settings > Key bindings > then FiveM. Here is a quick guide to show some important keys, what the defaults are and common changes that can be made.
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To locate your Keybinds menu: press ESC > Settings > Key bindings > then FiveM. Here is a quick guide to show some important keys, what the defaults are and common changes that can be made.
Last updated
ESC- Map and character information
T- Opens your in game chat box for typing commands etc
TAB- This will open both your primary and secondary (vehicle storage) though they can both be rebound to separate keys
Z- This will open your radial menu, it is advised to change this to F1
` (tilde)- Is your voice proximity, most players change this to Z
X- Will put your hands up and it is also used to cancel emotes
M- This will open your phone, to close the phone press the circle at the bottom
Scroll Wheel Up- This will start your vehicle engine, most players change this to G
U- This will ragdoll your character
N- This is your default key for talking on a radio. Some players will rebind this to a mouse button.
F5- This will open your Scene menu. To delete a scene already in place, press the UI's DELETE button and follow the steps.
R- This will reload your weapon. To reload, press R with weapon in hand and ammo in your inventory. This will load one magazines worth of ammo at a time.
K- This will open your Scene menu. To delete a scene already in place, press DELETE and follow the steps.
I (i)- This will bring up your HUD menu. The HUD is VERY customizable-- Check it out! This is also where you toggle your aiming reticle now, it is located at the very bottom of the menu.