(work in progress, any brackets should not be included in actually typing of command)
Last updated
(work in progress, any brackets should not be included in actually typing of command)
Last updated
/311 or /911 to contact emergency services, /311a or /911a to do it anonymously
While in the clothing menu, you can push F8 and type e [emotename] to do emotes and check for clothing clipping issues.
There are a variety of commands that will take on and off clothing items. Most are fairly easy to guess.
/top will toggle the hood on some hooded jackets.
/visor will toggle up and down the visor on many helmets
Choose an alternate hair style with /hair [catalogue number]
/clearstuckprops , /propstuck , /reloadskin are all useful for when you have something stuck in your hand or some other ped related issue.
/getbucket to make sure you're not instanced
/report to send a message to any staff that might be in-game
Housing (many functions also available through radial menu)
/setwardrobe - will place a spot for changing your clothes where you're looking in your apartment/house
/furnish - access the menu for selecting and adding furniture you've purchased
/editfurniture - move or delete placed furniture
Test Driving Vehicles
/returnvehicle at vehicle shops to return/despawn your test drive