Fail Roleplay (Fail RP)
Fail RP is breaking immersion for yourself or others in game.
There are many things that can be considered Fail RP, including other rule breaks. If you have questions, please ask staff for clarification.
-Making reference to the fact that you are playing a game such as speaking of keyboards, monitors or sound boards or referring to keybinds in character (Flex your F muscle)in ways that are immersion breaking. If need be, you may dm the person or use local OOC in game for clarity.
-Attacking "Locals" for no reason other than they are "not real" would fall into this category. This also falls under NVL.
-"Map scraping": Checking doors, random nooks and crannies, systematically going through the map with a fine tooth comb to find NPCs, crime activity locations, etc. when you could be RPing with people to find out the information organically instead.
-"Cop baiting": Committing a crime or shooting your gun with the sole purpose of pulling police away from a current scene or chase in order to facilitate escape or success. We expect players to rp as though there is a full citywide police force, in which case, these tactics would not work as there would be enough police to cover both situations in most cases.
Last updated